Sunday, May 27, 2007

Commercial Real Estate Investment Strategies: Do-it-yourself Market Research Pays

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

One of the strategies commercial real estate investors like to employ is hiring consultants or market research companies to analyze a specific market a commercial real estate investor wants to pursue.

To a beginning investor, the overall strategy seems logical and well-intended. Who better to know a market than the analysts who spend there days and nights collecting, analyzing and reporting on such data?

I’ll tell you: YOU—the commercial real estate investor.

There is no substitute for doing your own research. There is no substitute for keeping your own counsel. There is no substitute for doing your own homework.


Because it’s YOUR MONEY that will ultimately be spent. It’s YOUR bank account that will ultimately reflect the success or failure of a commercial real estate endeavor.

Too many well meaning beginning real estate investors think they don’t have what it takes to do the homework required on a market. Too many well meaning investors yield their analysis people who supposedly know more about the subject than they do.

This is a costly strategic mistake.

I have nothing against market research people or consultants. I have no axe to grind with them. They are extremely competent, thorough people who provide a valuable service.

My issue is with HOW they are used by the commercial real estate investor.

The challenge is when an investor trusts their judgment--more than his or her own. Many times an investor will be in awe of their command of the information, specifically statistics.

The reason I say this is because I have seen many an real estate investor unwittingly fall victim to this process. It’s very easy to find yourself yielding to a “professional’s” opinion based upon research which you have paid handsomely for.

Don’t. It is a mistake that will cost you later on.

Look at it this way: Let’s say you want to invest in the stock market and you use the services of a stock broker to recommend a buy.

Do you really believe that the stock broker’s goal is for you to make a wise and carefully thought out purchase? Do you really believe their recommendation has been thoroughly researched and analyzed? Forgetting the self-serving aspects of the commission he makes selling you a stock, would you really want to trust him with your investment portfolio?

My guess is probably not.

So what the proper way to use these market research professional? There three common ways which these professionals are valuable to the commercial real estate investor:

1. One is as a way to flush out new ideas and do homework and research “heavy lifting” which need done that the investor doesn’t have time to accomplish on his or her own. The investor know exactly the information he is after.

2. The second strategy is as a way to confirm the findings which the investor already believes are accurate. In other words, the investor is looking for a second opinion before he commits more resources to the project.

3. The third strategy is very interesting: Some investor will use professional resources to poke holes in their strategy. To find the fatal flaw. To find “the fly in the ointment”. The investor will never admit this to the professionals, yet he wants to know all the reasons the deal won’t work.

You’ll notice one thing in common with these three strategies: The investor will always do his own research. It’s a critical aspect of success—one that should never be delegated.
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The Risk Exposed In Land Development

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

Land development creates homes and places of business that allows us to survive and move forward. It is critical in the growth and progress of our society. Without those who are willing to assume the many risks of land development and investment, we doul not be where we are today.

Developing raw land is an extremely profitable business because it has to do with commercial real estate which is very valuable in and of itself, but also because there is a certain amount of risk that comes along with land development. Not everyone is capable of looking at the facts, conjecturing about the future, and able to make a move to capitalize on a specific piece of property. There are simply too many variables that could go wrong- and will go wrong, if you do not know exactly what to look for. Experience is truly the only way to feel confident in such a huge investment. Even the best of land developers make mistakes and can lose out on a lot of money.

Risk is what makes land development so profitable. There are simply not a lot of people who would be able to handle that type of risk easily. So what type of risk would you be looking at as a land developer?

The first and probably most obvious risk is your skill level. Are you capable and have the necessary skills to develop and entire piece of property without much error? It takes a great amount of knowledge in math, science, finance, architecture and building to successfully develop a piece of property. The larger the property, the more difficult this can be. A land developer would not want to attempt something that they did not have the necessary skill set for.

Coinciding with this risk is the risk of finishing a project on time. If a project takes longer than it is originally proposed, you can believe that you will be faced with extra expenditures that will eat away from your profit. There might be rules, ordinances and deadlines that will cause further political and financial problems if a project is not finished on time. It takes excellent planning to see a project through completion on time. This is a huge risk that a land developer does everything in his or her power to make sure that the project is done well, and on time.

There is risk before the project even begins. This risk is finding a property that one could actually create profit from. Many times finding a property where there is guaranteed property is difficult to find. You never know, no matter how hard you try to look at surrounding land values and comparable sales, exactly the money you stand to make from any one project. There might be additional building costs or expensive problems that you may run into. To avoid this, purchase a property that is already below market value. Let’s say an owner is extremely eager to sell and he knows that the property, as-is is valued at about $5,000,000. However, the owner really needs the cash and decides to sell the property at $4,000,000. That is an instant $1,000,000 in equity. The land developer knows that no matter what, he or she will have $1,000,000 in equity that will turn to profit if the property is sold. This strategy provides cushion for the unexpected happenings that are related to land development.

The next, and usually most intimidating risk for some, is finding the funding to actually develop a project. Land development is not cheap and the amount of money that goes into it is not for the faint at heart. Finding someone who will loan that amount of money and being able to prove to that person that you can pay it back through the project, plus some can be very difficult. Whether it is an investor or a lender, finding this large amount of funding and actually using the money is a giant risk every developer must face.

There is also risk for all those involved during the project. Because the project is not making any money while in development, are you able to maintain a steady cash flow to survive while all of this is taking place? It is one thing to get the money upfront; however, it is another to maintain some sort of healthy cash flow for your team so that everyone can eat. This cash flow must be factored into the project before hand because many times the amount of time to profit can be one year, two years, or more, depending on the size of the project. Can your project sustain until the profit can be made and distributed?

Those who are capable of assuming this risk and makes plans to see a project from conception to completion are to admired. It is neither easy or simple to develop land and so many things can go wrong. It is in the nature of the inconsistent variables to face more problems than positive notions.

Too many investors and land developers, the greater the risk the more profit to be made from a project. But these people do it for more than just the profits. They are literally in charge of our progress and are creating our entire infrastructure. That is a very profitable and important position in which to be.
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Winning The Commercial Real Estate Game

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

The game of commercial real estate can be won in many ways. It’s more of an essay test than true or false. There’s definitely more than one correct answer. A large percentage of the world’s millionaires earned their wealth through real estate investment. While nothing is a sure thing, real estate offers many opportunities for the savvy investor. Whether you want to build wealth or simply maintain it, there are several strategies that you can implement to get where you want to be. Where should you begin? You don’t want to put your hard earned money into a dead market. You want to protect what you’ve worked so hard for. Let’s look at a few of the more popular methods for investing in commercial real estate.

One of the more classic approaches to commercial real estate investment is the buy and hold strategy. In this maneuver, you buy property that is valued at a fair price. It may be a few miles away from town or outside of a development area. You then simply hold the land for a number of years. While you do this, the city comes to you. Developments are going up all around you. Yours is the last piece of raw land around and every developer in the state wants a piece of it. You, the genius entrepreneur, then sell the land for millions more than you pay for it. It couldn’t get much better than this. While this is obviously the ideal scenario, it can work like this. As you know, land is the only commodity that they don’t produce any more of. Therefore the price of your land will eventually go up.

While there is a great deal of money to be made in this sort of venture, it can take a long time to mature. This is great for someone who has a big chunk of money that they want to sit on for a few years. There is no set time limit as to how long it will take you to win. You basically have to go with your gut on this one. Should you sell it five years from now for twice what you paid for it? What if in year six, Wal-Mart wants to move in and pay you 10 times what you paid? There is really no way to know. You have to get out when you feel the time is right. Look for the signs around you. If the trends of development in your area are coming towards you, wait for a while. If you’ve had the land for ten years and the city that you just knew would be the next boomtown turned into a ghost town, you might want to get out. This strategy can produce a great return and it’s a pretty passive source. You don’t really have to do anything except buy the land and wait.

Another great way to invest in commercial property is through the rehab market. This is where you buy a run-down property that needs a lot of work done. You fix it up with a little elbow grease. Then after it’s up to par, you put it back on the market and make a tidy profit. This is a growing segment in the real estate industry. There is a definite need for this as property is always getting old. The most important thing to remember in this type of venture is you make your money when you buy the property, not when you sell it.

You must find properties that are undervalued. If you overpay, no matter what you do to the property, you’ll still come out behind. You need to find properties that need a lot of work. This has the highest potential for a great return. Don’t get involved with a property that just needs a new coat of paint and the yard mowed. This will not make you any money. In fact, you’ll most likely lose money. Stick with the properties that need the most TLC and you’ll come out on top.

Another popular strategy is that of quick turning a property. This involves finding distressed properties. You search for a great deal that is extremely undervalued. This could be a property that is facing foreclosure or a bankruptcy. Someone may take a significant cut in the price in order to get out fast. This can benefit you, the investor, greatly. You then take the distressed property and put it back on the market quickly. Since you don’t have to sell quickly, the property will get fair market value and you can make thousands of dollars in profit. As with rehabbing property, the key is finding cheap properties that you know are worth more. This is where all of the money comes from in this type of transaction. If you know the market, you can do very well with this type of deal.

For investors that already have a good sum of money saved up, there is another form of investment that is very appealing. Professionals who want another steady income can invest in expensive real estate that is already a great performing asset. This could be a luxury apartment complex or condos or any number of properties. The investor then takes over the cash flow that is generated by the subject property. They will most likely leave the existing property management in place and just take the steady cash flow. This is a great form of investment for those that are looking for a passive source of income from their investment. People who would benefit from this are usually very busy and already successful in some other walk of life. They understand that the only way to create wealth is through multiple sources of income. Diversification is the key.

Whichever method of commercial real estate investment you decide on, make sure it’s the right one for you. Consider all the factors carefully before making your decision. Just remember that you too can succeed in real estate investment.
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Commercial Real Estate Desirability

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

For those who are looking for an excellent way to generate outside income, the commercial real estate industry is a great way to go. Many people have begun to invest in commercial real estate, and since this type of real estate is continually being purchased and sold, it has become an excellent way to invest money for a guaranteed return. Before one becomes involved in the commercial real estate market, it is highly important that they understand the commercial real estate industry and its many surrounding components.

A Basic Definition of Commercial Real Estate
First and foremost, it is imperative that one understands a basic definition of commercial real estate. Essentially, commercial real estate includes various real estate properties that have the potential to be able to generate outside revenue or even income for the owner. Whether the property has immediate potential for generating income or revenue immediately, or perhaps in the future, it can still be labeled as commercial real estate.

A Desirable Investment
Commercial real estate is an excellent choice for investors for a variety of different reasons. One of the main reasons that investors find commercial real estate to be such a pleasing investment is that is brings about both long term and short term financial benefits. In the short term, commercial real estate can help you bring in a better cash flow from the use of the property, and at the same time, in the long run the property will only appreciate in value, which will result in long term benefits should you choose to sell. Most investors also find that there is a lot less risk involved with commercial real estate than there is when dealing with other types of real estate. If you purchase apartment buildings or a strip mall, the risk of your investment will spread out among those who are renting from you, and even if you lose one of your renters, you still will be making money and seeing a return from your investment.

Commercial Real Estate Properties
Another positive benefit of commercial real estate is that the scope of properties that you can invest in is quite large. Commercial real estate includes various different properties that make excellent investments. As long as the building consists of more than four units, it can be considered a commercial real estate property. Commercial real estate also includes other properties such as strip malls, apartment buildings, RV parks, industrial parks, mobile home parks, and commercial centers.

Jobs within the Commercial Real Estate Industry
There are a variety of different jobs that are included within the commercial real estate industry, and all of them benefit from this excellent market. The investors have a very important job within the industry, since it is their money that is being used to make the property develop and become prosperous. Builders too have an important job, and many times they work within the commercial real estate industry to build new structures on commercial property such as apartment buildings or shopping malls. The lenders have a very important job, and they work to make sure that investors get the loans and mortgages they may need to be able to purchase commercial real estate properties. Also within the industry are the brokers who represent the owners and deal with the sales and property transfer issues. Last of all, but certainly not least, are the users who actually put the money in the investor's pocket.

Financing Commercial Real Estate
Those who are planning on being involved in commercial real estate need to consider how they can finance any commercial real estate purchases. While few people can actually just purchase the property with money they already have, most people are going to be turning to other methods of financing the property. More than likely you are going to need to go to a lender to be able to finance any commercial real estate that you want to purchase, but there are a few things that you can do to make the process smother.

First of all, you will want to make sure that you have a business plan. You need to be able to show the lender why you want the property and how you plan on making it a successful investment. It is also important that you have at least a portion of the money needed for the property saved up so you can show that this is a serious venture and you are ready to make a personal investment in its success. Also helpful is a current appraisal of the property you are considering. This will help show the value of the property to the prospective lender. Having an attorney to help you and to check out legal issues will also be important, and in the end you should always compare several lending offers before making a final decision.

Getting Started
For those who are interested in commercial real estate and the financial benefits that can be enjoyed, there are many ways to get a start in the business. One of the keys to getting started is to glean all the information about the business that you can, whether from reading books, searching the internet, or speaking with friends and business colleagues that may have experience in commercial real estate investing. Checking into the area you live in and getting a look at what kind of commercial real estate is available and what the prices are running can help you begin to get a closer look at the costs and the availability of commercial real estate in your area. Attending zoning and city planning meetings may also give you insights and ideas for getting started as well. Lastly, one of the best things you can do is to start building a network of friends and business acquaintances that already have their foot in the door of the commercial market. Learning from their successes and mistakes can help you on your way to becoming a successful commercial real estate investor.
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For Agents And Brokers: Simple Guide To Selling Your Commercial Real Estate

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

If you are just starting out as a real estate agent, it can be difficult to get started selling commercial real estate. However, commercial real estate is the big money maker in the real estate business. Since commercial real estate has become quite popular since it is such a money maker, it can be difficult and expensive to get started in this type of real estate. There are, however, a variety of ways that you can get started and start getting more commercial real estate deals if you are willing to do a little work.

Online Free Ads
One great way that you can get started in selling commercial real estate as an agent is to use inexpensive methods of advertisement. One great way to get the word out there about the property you are trying to sell is to use free online ads. There are a variety of different websites that are available for you to post classified ads on that list a property, or even multiple properties for sale, and the great thing is, you will not have to pay a penny. Not only is this a cheap way of exposure, but it is also a quick way to get your property noticed. Many times, your ad will be seen quicker when you put it on the web and by many more people. Local newspapers take more time and money to get you the exposure and only reach a local group of people, while advertising with free online ads can get your world wide exposure and help you sell the commercial property.

Free Real Estate Publications
Another way that newer real estate agents can get their commercial properties noticed is to advertise them in free local real estate publications. Whether it is a publication specifically for real estate or a publication that only includes real estate, this is a great way to advertise your property for free. This is an excellent way to gain local exposure, not only for the commercial property you are trying to sell, but also for you as an agent. Make sure that you continue to run ads for your property in these types of publications. Even though at first you may not see results, remember that many times it takes awhile for commercial real estate to sell, but perseverance can lead to a large pay off when you finally sell the property.

Quality Signs
If you are trying to sell a commercial property, especially one that is near a well traveled road, you may want to invest in a quality sign to advertise the commercial property. A small unprofessional sign may not attract any attention at all, but a larger sign that is well crafted and attractive can get the attention of many people who are driving by. You never know who may drive by the property and see your sign. While it will take a bit of money to get a great sign, it will be worth the money that you spend to get your property noticed. One never knows when a local business will need a new site, or someone with money to invest will be looking for an opportunity, and your sign will make sure that they will see your property when they drive by, which may lead to a sale.

Establish Business Connections
As a new real estate agent, one of the best things that you can do is to start establishing business connections with a variety of different people. Speak with other real estate agents that are successful in selling commercial real estate and learn from their mistakes and their successes. Also try to get involved with local business people and know the market that you are trying to sell in. Often, if you can get the word out that you have a great piece of commercial property, it may spread to the right business people that will want to check it out. A great deal of being successful in the commercial real estate market has to do with the connections that you have, so work on making various business connections.

Find Your Own Leads
Even if you are working in a broker’s office, you should not expect the leads to be coming your way within the office. More than likely any leads within the office will be given to someone with more experience in commercial real estate until you have proven yourself to excel in this field. You will have to take the initiative to get the job done, and it is possible with a great deal of hard work. Check out the Chamber of Commerce in your area and find out who the business people are. You may also want to attend local zoning meetings where you will meet prospective investors who are looking for great properties. Even hitting up your local golf courses can help you make friends with local business people who may be prospective clients.

While it may be difficult to get started as an agent in commercial real estate, it is definitely possible if you are willing to work hard. Using the internet to advertise as well as free local publications can get the word out quickly and inexpensively so you will save money and get a broader base of exposure for what you are selling. Signs will also provide great exposure and show that you are serious about the commercial real estate business. Also important is making the right contacts and finding your own leads so you can excel in this business and prove to be a great commercial real estate agent. There is a great deal of money to be made in the commercial real estate industry, and hard work, dedication, and patience on your part can help you become successful.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Getting The Best Commercial Mortgage Rate

By: Chris Clarke

Trying to get the best commercial mortgage rate is perfectly understandable, after all a fraction of a percentage point can make a huge difference to the repayments on a larger commercial loan. However, when searching for a competitive rate you should bear in mind that the broker or lender is going to need plenty of information to support the enquiry.

Imagine if you will that someone puts a box containing a 300 piece jigsaw puzzle in front of you, shows you only ten pieces and says ”Describe the picture to me” – what are the chances you would be able to do it? You may be able to say “Well, it looks as if it’s a sunny day and I think I can make out part of a tree” but apart from that very little.

This may sound like an irritating evasion of the issue but the question ”I’m looking for a commercial mortgage, what’s the best rate you can get me ?” is equally difficult to answer if a useful response is expected. Not least because different people have a quite different understanding of what types of commercial mortgage will qualify for a headline rate.

Of course there are some brokers who will quote you a very favourable rate “off the top of their head.” This is a little disingenuous in that any rate will be largely meaningless and is probably made in the hope that they can impress the potential client and give him reason to return to them first.

Without doubt the best commercial rates are only available from the mainstream banks, including the likes of HSBC, Barclays, RBS etc. and some other commercial lenders such as The Skipton and Norwich & Peterborough Buildings Societies.

Remember though, before these organisations will consider offering their best rates they are going to want to know quite detailed information about the business they are lending money to, the people who control the company and full details about the property.

Typically speaking the best rates are only available for established businesses with a clean credit history and plenty of good quality and verifiable accounting information. Professional property investors are also generally considered good quality applicants, but only if the rental income stacks up. The following points should explain what a lender would generally look for:

1. Established Business: Would mean that the business has been profitably trading for about 3 years.

2. Good quality and verifiable accounting information: Accounts that have been professionally prepared by a qualified accountant and if appropriate filed at Companies House.

3. Clean Credit: All existing loans and mortgages are up to date, no late payments to suppliers. No CCJ’s either in the business name or the individual director’s personal names.

4. Investment properties would usually need to have a formal lease in place with a good quality tenant. The rental income will need to cover the mortgage payments by a healthy margin.

The above points only relate to applicants chasing the headline rates. There is now a good degree of flexibility for businesses who cannot fulfil the above criteria.

When approaching a lender or broker with a view to obtaining the best possible commercial mortgage rate (or re-mortgage) an applicant should be prepared to divulge all the above information before expecting a sensible answer. At the very least it would be recommended to have the last three years’ accounts, brief CV’s for each director, an up to date business plan and as much information as you can muster about the property in question.

There is no doubt that there are some very competitive mortgage rates available for the right businesses and researching the market has never been more important. By all means approach your existing bankers first as they most likely to be keen to keep your business but having other options available puts you in the strongest position when looking for the best commercial mortgage rate.
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Foreclosure Home Remodeling

By: Jena Luthovski

There are many foreclosure home remodeling projects being undertaken everyday by professional contractors. These repair teams specialize in turning a foreclosed home into a resalable real estate commodity within 45 days of repossession or closing. Many foreclosure home remodeling projects are cosmetic and can be finished well before the 45 day deadline.

Other foreclosure home remodeling areas are more difficult to finish and will take almost all of the allocated time to complete. The foreclosed home may have been neglected for a long period of time, and rodents may have entered the home and chewed holes through walls, woodwork and attic spaces. The items that will need to be replaced, and the repairs that must be accomplished, must be determined before foreclosure home remodeling efforts can even begin.

Professional contractors have a good idea of what damage has been done by viewing each area of the home. They realize the materials that are behind the walls, and how many rolls of insulation are in each wall space. A foreclosure home remodeling project might include repairs to the ceiling areas due to water leaks. If the roof is leaking, then shingles will need to be added to the list of supplies that will be needed to complete the foreclosed home remodeling project on time.

Buckled flooring will definitely require further investigation because this is an indication of structural damage that extends to the support system under the home. The cement slab may be cracked by broken pipes, or the land might have shifted underneath the home from recent storms and a poor drainage system. This type of foreclosure home remodeling problem might delay the home from being listed on the market at all.

Home building contractors do not worry very much about peeling paint and dirt and grime. These are easy fixes for me, and this fix will allow a foreclosure home remodeling project to proceed as planned. Walls can be resurfaced if they are rough and unsightly and the white wall finish will make these walls look brand new after a few coats of paint. A foreclosure home remodeling project can require plumbing skills too. If the piping system in the home is broken, then there is going to be accumulated water somewhere under the home. Broken pipes have to be repaired before a home is placed on the market for sale.

Some of the foreclosure home remodeling projects - are very simple, and some are quite costly. In some cases, the cost of repairs will liquidate, the cash that the owners hope to make on the property, and cost of them more to repair than they will ever be able to recoup. In these cases, it is better to stop the foreclosure home remodeling project and tear the building down and start fresh.

The materials that are used to build the new home might not have as many outstanding features as it would normally have, such as Jacuzzi bath and marbled countertops in the kitchen, but the investors have to cut costs at every turn to recoup the monies they have lost. The new home is like to sell quickly if an attractive price is listed, and it will definitely sell because people love buying brand new homes. The new owners can start their own remodeling projects when they settle in to their new home.
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How To Attract 95 Percent Buyers To Buy Your House

By: Peter Shukla

Higher interest rates always lead the housing market to become buyers market. This is because buyers pull out of the market leaving a relative oversupply of houses to sell. After the recent rise in rates, it is more difficult to sell the house than when rates were lower.

Following steps will make sure that you get more buyers interested in your property than others in your area. You can even sell and rent back, if you have a buyer but no where to go yet.

1. Start to see the house not as a home but a product to be marketed to general public. This may not be easy in the beginning; especially of you have lived in this house for many years and have fond memories. So this will take some time. But this is an important step to realize best potential out of your home selling process.

2. Get your house inspected by a professional surveyor. This only needs to be of preliminary nature and not thorough. You just want to ensure that there aren’t any unpleasant surprises for the later part of selling process, and prepare if there are any. This step is important because buyers will have an upper hand in negotiation if such things are discovered by their own survey of the house, they may even pull out of the deal completely. Surveyor’s signed document will demonstrate the care you have taken of your house, instilling confidence among the estate agents or Realtor as well as the buyer.

3. Prepare your house. Stand back and look at your house as objectively as possible. Would you buy this home? It is often difficult for people not to be partial at this stage. So get your friends or neighbors around for their views. You may also get opinion from your estate agent or other professional. View similar properties in your area and make notes of their strong points. After all they are going to be your competitors. Any enhancements do not need to be expensive.

4. You will need to make some effort to ensure that your house stands out over similar other properties in your area. To start with, it will need to be cleaner, fresher and give the appearance of being well maintained. Walls should have neutral colored paint or wallpapers, carpets and upholstery deep cleaned and garden tidy. Since you are preparing this house for others to live in, make sure that the house is appealing to the vast majority of population. Go with neutral decor over your own personal tastes.

5. Not every one is a DIY enthusiast. Make sure that all incomplete projects are complete and loose ends are tidies up. A vast majority of people prefer moving into a house that will require no or little maintenance for the next 2 or 3 years. So sort out those wires hanging from the ceilings and clear up the garage.

6. Consider depersonalization of your house. You should have only a few displayed family pictures because if wherever you look you see your family’s memorabilia then buyers find it hard to visualize themselves living there. People display all sorts of things like trophies, granny’s needlework or baseball bats etc – they should all be in moderation.

Above steps will help you to make your house a lot ore marketable than others. Good luck.
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World-class Home Staging Training From The Comfort Of Your Screen!

By: IPRWire Staff Writer

Thank goodness for the invention of the Internet, because quality and comprehensive home staging training is now a cinch! You need no long hours or even days away from loved ones in order to acquire the skills to become a highly sought-after home redecorator. You can even learn while on vacation or during part of lunch breaks. Breeze through entire courses in no time or take as long as you need to revise and acquire thorough understanding of fundamental principles. Websites with interactive tools to learn the art of revamping a house are a chance for you to learn a new vocation and have fun at the same time.

Computers often cannot replace the human aspect, so online home staging training can depend as much on personal instruction as do conventional ways of learning. A website owner may believe that he or she has laid out lessons sequentially and clearly, such that no additional resources outside the website are required. The reality, however, is that you might want to reach for the telephone and ask a question after the very first sentence. Human interaction—not just with instructors but with peers as well—matters in a profession such as the redecoration of houses, because everyone’s perspective has value. A website with interactive tools is great, but websites that also offer outside resources are even better. Many people often want support that is eager to help, highly approachable, and relevant for the specifics of their case.

Learning does not stop with what a website offers though: Practice matters as much as the lessons for home staging training. You may read everything on a website but still fail to make the grade, because this is a profession in which doing what you learn makes the difference. The “best” ideas you have for major finishes may actually fail, while small and almost effortless touches can sometimes produce amazing results. Studying different kinds of houses helps you view layouts through the eyes of prospective buyers. You can then practice creating layouts that are appropriate to the house yet appeal to a wide number of people as possible.

If you are interested in home staging training, visit, a tutorial company, at to sign up for a course. Decorate-Redecorate is based in Orange County, California, which has one of the largest real estate markets in the nation. The company owner, Barbara Jennings, has 20 years of experience in the industry of redesigning homes. Along with online courses, the website offers various resources such as a newsletter, an online forum, and materials for self-promotion.
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Home Staging Website: Tips In Selecting The Right One

By: IPRWire Staff Writer

The home staging website approach to staying in touch of this exciting business is only to be expected in the 21st century. Setting significant time and money aside to learn the nuances of how to redecorate homes no longer makes sense for people on the go. Perhaps you want to learn while still working at your current full-time job, but you do not want to drive to class. Maybe there are no places to take classes in redesign close to where you live. Maybe you are having trouble finding a variety of consultants to choose from. Finding solutions to your individual situation has never been easier with the Internet.

Choosing a home staging website to take classes or to find a consultant can be easier said than done. Endless pages of choices on search engines bewilder rather than help. Everyone offers the best courses and then some! Which one should you trust? It is not as though you have the time or inclination to consult multiple sites or compare contradictory advice and information. So, here are three questions to ask yourself that can help you narrow your choices to one website that meets your needs:

1.How often is the site updated? Decoration is largely a fashion and trend business. Even yesterday can be out of date! Technology has a major impact on the industry, with new materials hitting the market all the time. Finally, there is the dynamic pricing of the materials you buy to improve the house. Manufacturers in this business make it a habit to offer fantastic but limited promotions on their products, so it pays to know first! Websites with newsletters that regularly bring timely information to your email box are best.

2.Is there someone to help you out? A website should be like a physical store in that it offers customer service: Your questions are answered promptly with courtesy and effectiveness. Do not waste time on a home staging website that lacks meaningful interactive support! Call and check on the quality of support before you choose a website for your redecoration needs.

3.Does it suit your learning style? Some of us prefer to browse through books, whether they are online or hard copies. Others learn better through structured training courses, while a few prefer to gain background knowledge through newsletters and articles. You might not even be conscious of how you like to stay in touch with a subject, so a website with various options is best! Having different sources to choose from may also help you sustain interest in the subject of house redecoration.

Decorate-Redecorate, an Orange County-based company, has a home staging website at that offers various resources and a tutorial course to take at your desk. The website provides comprehensive and varied services and products to cater to people of all backgrounds and varying experience. Barbara Jennings, the owner of the company, has 20 years of experience in the industry.
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Welcome To The Home Staging Business

By: IPRWire Staff Writer

Congratulations on entering the home staging business world! Sure, your main objective is to sell your client’s house the same day—ideally—at the highest price, with your attractive arrangement. But, many professionals love this type of work because of the artistic factor. You are not alone if you value creating an appealing space as much as landing the contract. This sort of profession is also great for people who do not want to pursue a formal degree, but still want to interior decorate.

Creating an attractive space does not have to cater to a few individual tastes; in fact, that would be detrimental in selling a house to a wide number of prospective buyers as possible. One factor in having a successful home staging business is creating attractive spaces that appeal to the general public, where individual buyers can picture themselves living in the house. But, popular trends as well as local trends should be considered, such as with choice of furniture or art, if you choose to rent such materials.

The grass can certainly seem greener when you look at the profession from the other side of the fence. The ease in starting and the lack of formal credentials required make it appealing to people who want to become self-employed. Also, the growing demand for redesigning services and the potential high profit is another lure. But home staging business demands a lot from you: Flexibility with sudden requests, lots of time marketing yourself, and an ability to think creatively and often on your feet. New ideas seem awfully simple until you try and work things out from scratch. The end result that transforms an ordinary room into a dream may seem obvious, but, more often than not, the result was through much hard work and lots of thinking.

If you are ready to get started, visit Decorate-Redecorate at to sign up for a tutorial course you can take at home. The learning company is based in Orange County, California, which has one of the biggest real estate markets in the U.S. Barbara Jennings, the owner, has been in the home staging business for 20 years. Jennings offers one-on-one advice for people who sign up for her training. The training is divided into several levels, depending on your interest and skill. The website also offers resources for self-promotion, leads on client, and an electronic newsletter for the latest in the industry.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tips To Real Estate Foreclosure Investing

By: Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga And Yolanda Bishop

You’ve heard it a million times. If you were to get a property that is entering foreclosure, you can get a great deal on the price of the home or property. The main question is how do you acquire the necessary knowledge to get this property. There are a lot of loopholes when it comes to foreclosures, so it’s best to know as many of them as possible to prepare yourself for what can be a great and rewarding investment.

When deciding to invest in real estate foreclosure, it’s important to know where to find these properties and how to acquire the right information. You have to decide if you will invest in commercial properties or residential. Either case, you then need to gather information on any liens or other defaults that may be associated with the property. Depending on how you buy these properties, you may end up being responsible for the liens on the property.

Though not known by many, properties that are foreclosed upon are public knowledge. The list of foreclosed properties is available through your local county building. This will only include properties that are already foreclosed. You can usually access this list around the time they hold the auction for the current month. This will give you time to do the research necessary to be prepared for the next month’s auction.

If you want to purchase a property before it goes to public auction, that will take a little footwork on your part. There are websites that offer information on properties that are in pre-foreclosure. Be aware, the information on these sites is not always accurate. We had a property bought, remodeled, and getting ready to close; yet on the website we used to find it, it was still listed as in pre-foreclosure. It’s a good idea to call the lender and make sure that the property is in fact still in pre-foreclosure. If it is you will want to contact the property owner, explain who you are and your interest in their property. This may not start out as a pleasant conversation since the owner does not want to sell the property, yet when you explain to them that this will work in both of your interests, they may change their mind. In buying the property this way, the owner will not have to complete the foreclosure process which means that their credit score will not get a negative rating for this instance. They will pay off their mortgage and you will get the property at a dramatic discount.

Whether it’s pre-foreclosure or in foreclosure, it’s best to be informed about the property that you will attempt to purchase. You can do this by ordering a title search in which a company will research the records dating back a certain time period. This will bring up any liens or back taxes owed on the property. You may end up being responsible for these extra expenses. Therefore you must be aware of them so that you can bid fairly to cover all of the expenses, not just the mortgage owed. If you do not have the money and are willing to spend a little time at your local county building, you can do a search for these records yourself. You will need to visit the tax assessor’s office in order to determine if their taxes are paid in full or delinquent. You will also need to visit the recorder’s office and the county clerk’s office. In these two offices you will research liens on the properties in which money is owed. This type of information is the same that a title search will turn up and you will be able to do it for free.

Once you’ve acquired the information needed, it’s time to prepare yourself to bid a price for the property. If you are dealing directly with the homeowner, you have flexibility. You should have a good idea of what they owe to the bank and any liens at this point. You may want to offer them just enough to cover what they owe or slightly more. If negotiations are successful and you come to an agreement, you must be able to close the sale before the time of the auction. This is the only drawback to this type of sale. The monies owed must be paid before time of auction, otherwise the property is sold at auction, regardless of any agreement you may have entered with the homeowner. If you decide to purchase at auction, you must be prepared to pay the full amount of the agreed on price within a certain time period of being awarded the property.

After the auction or the agreed upon negotiation of the property, you will immediately be able to claim ownership of said property. If you have been negotiating and talking to the people that own said property, they are already expecting this and will probably have already moved out. Be aware, however, that if the owners refuse to leave the property, you may have to go through the eviction process that can take up to three months to complete. We recently decided to walk away from the award of a property at auction exactly for that reason. Our county will not send police to enforce the sale of the property. Therefore, in order to get the people to move out, the eviction process must be used. This wastes valuable time in which you could be fixing up the property and getting it ready for sale. This is one reason why, though it may be difficult, having communication with the property owners before the auction may save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

Once the property is legally yours, you are free to invest in it and make profit from it. It can be a wonderful way to work for yourself and make money while doing it. Our business has successfully invested in many properties and yours can too.
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Real Estate Right Now

By: David Lovendahl

In the past few years, we’ve watched housing prices skyrocket all over the U.S. It definitely seems to be a seller’s market, but what are buyers supposed to do? Well, if the big names in business are correct, the market is beginning to turn. People who bought homes out of their price range are beginning to water down the market.
Baby Boomers, the biggest group of retirees ever, are downsizing. The older members of the generation are opting for community housing, and even apartments, where upkeep is virtually nonexistent. They’re dumping their mortgages and adding to the tide of available houses. This, experts predict, is the beginning of a huge opportunity for people prepared to buy real estate.
Recovery from the recent real estate boom means lower prices for investors. Basic principles of investment realty – buy it for less than you can sell it – still hold true. But if housing prices in the United States are dropping, how long will this trend last and is it still wise to put your money in real estate?
All business trends see peaks and valleys. Real estate, however, is REAL. It has tangible value that may have momentary dips but will always see an up-swing in the long run. Still, smart money managers find property that has plenty of potential and is still cheap enough for its purchase to make sense. Investment property in Latin American countries, such as Costa Rica, shows amazing potential.
While homes are depreciating elsewhere around the world, in Costa Rica, property is appreciating. The tropical forests and exotic wildlife add a specific pull-factor to Costa Rican real estate. But there is a wealth of potential there beyond what is available in American markets. First of all, the property in Costa Rica is prime. The government protected such a large part of the country from development that any property you buy is probably going to have either trees or a water view.
There are other benefits to purchasing land in Latin America, like significantly lower taxes. People are still often reluctant to consider investing in property or building a second home in a foreign country. Concerns about personal crime rates, language barriers, rules and regulations should not deter people from considering great opportunities in Costa Rica.
Real estate is still the most sound investment you can make, and it is becoming more so every day. With retirees cashing in their stock market-based 401ks to relieve the financial burdens resulting from lack of social security, the stock market is subject to it predicted and inevitable crash in upcoming years. Unless you are very adept at trading options in an up, down or sideways market, steer clear of the stock exchange.
When you buy land, you are buying more than a piece of paper. You will actually own something real. While stocks and bonds can’t be guaranteed to have a worth beyond the paper they are printed on, property will always have value. In a market like Costa Rica, you can safely bet on a huge return on your investment. Property there has proven to appreciate in rapid record pace.
What’s the best part about owning your own land in a tropical paradise? When you go on vacation, you really do feel like you’re home – because you will be. Put your money into something you can physically enjoy that will net you large profits when you’re ready to move on.

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Buy Land in Hawaii Inch by Inch

By: Scott Moger

Aloha! Are you interested in owning land in the beautiful State of Hawaii? You know the land of the pineapple and grass skirts? Well here is the opportunity that you’ve been waiting for. American Acres, Inc., a New York City based company, is growing “inch by inch” in the truest sense of the words.

OK. OK. Watch’s the catch? Well sure, the parcels are small, only one square inch in size, but the deed one can purchase proving ownership of your mini-estate is full-sized, in color, with the customer’s name on it and that’s what counts. This has to be one of the most unique gift ideas since the pet rock.

American Acres, on its website, is quick to emphasize that “these coveted parcels can't be built on, lived on or retired on. Owners cannot make any improvements or develop the parcels. Owners shall not occupy the parcels and must grant rights of ingress and egress over their parcel. But they are completely free of additional responsibility and obligations. And the fun of bragging about owning land is priceless, to say the least.” Isn’t this one of the most unusual gifts ever?

You can choose any state of your choice, or even buy all 50 states at one time, on one single personalized deed.

These legal, personalized land Deeds are great for holidays like Christmas, Chanukah, Valentine's Day and of course birthdays. It is the perfect personalized gift idea. Just go to the Own A Piece of America website to a learn more about the Deeds. In fact you might want to buy a Deed to the United States - one Deed that entitles you to ownership of one square inch of land in all 50 states at once. Check it out at their website.

Those who do love Hawaii and manage to get a Deed to Hawaii for themselves, no doubt will want to know that the state capital is Honolulu, that according to the 2000 US census the population of Hawaii (all islands) is 1,211,537, that the state bird is the Nene (Hawaiian goose), that the Yellow Hibiscus is the state flower, and that the state tree is the Kukui.

Although use of the land may be limited, the responsibilities (as one would hope) are equally minimal. No paying taxes of any kind…ever! Owners need not mow their lawn, take out the trash, throw away junk mail, participate in local jury duty, or endure any other daily adversities associated with being a land owner.

Never before has something so small become so big. Land from the Own A Piece of America program has been sold around the world in China, Japan, India, Germany, Russia, Spain, The United Kingdom, Canada, of course the USA and many other countries.
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Home Sales: Do You Really Know the Tax Exclusion Rules?

By: Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU

A single person can exclude up to $250,000 of the gain from the sale of their home and a married couple up to $500,000. However, there are qualifications, rules, exceptions to the rules and special situations. This article outlines the major rules and clears up many misunderstandings.

First, you must meet two tests: the ownership test and the use test.

The Ownership Test

This test requires ownership of the property for at least two of the five years prior to the sale. The ownership does not have to be continuous.

The Use Test

The use test requires that you lived in the home as your principal residence for 2 years during the 5 years preceding the sale. Again, the 2 years do not have to continuous. Short temporary absences, such as vacations or spending a couple or months in the summer at the lake, are periods of use. Even if you rent out your home while you are gone, there is no interruption in your period of use.

The periods used to satisfy both of these tests do not have to be the same. In addition, members of the Armed Services or Foreign Services can choose to suspend these tests for any period they or their spouse is on "qualified official extended duty". If people become mentally or physically unable to care for themselves or have to go into a nursing home, the two-year use requirement shortens to one year. Therefore, it is possible to qualify without actually living in the home for the required two years.

For people who have lost their homes to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters, or have had them condemned, a special rule applies. They can add the time they lived in the home destroyed or condemned to the time they have lived in the home on which they want to exclude gain.

What is a Home?

A home, for capital gain exclusion purposes, must be your "main" home. It could be a house, houseboat, mobile home, co-op apartment or condominium. Note that if you sell the land on which your home is located, you cannot exclude the gain from the sale of the land. An example would be selling the land on which your mobile home sets, buying another piece of property and moving your mobile home to the new location.

If you own a vacant lot next to your home and sell it as part of your home sale, special rules apply. If you own a home in the city and a cabin in the mountains, the home where you spend the most time is the one where the tax exclusion applies. There are at least nine tests used to determine your main home if you own more than one.

The Exclusion

First, you must meet the ownership and use tests, or fall under one of the exceptions, and have not used the exclusion on the sale of another home within two years of the current sale.

If you are single, you can exclude up to $250,000 of the gain on a sale. If you own the home jointly with someone else, and each of you files single returns, each can exclude up to $250,000 of their interest in the home.

If you are married and file a joint return, you can exclude up to $500,000. However, you must meet one of several conditions. Either you or your spouse must meet the ownership test. Both you and your spouse must meet the use test. During the two years preceding the current sale, neither of you excluded gain from the sale of another home.

If your spouse dies, and you do not remarry before the sale, you can count the time your spouse owned and lived in the home to satisfy the ownership and use tests.

In today’s society, many scenarios require careful adherence to the rules. For example, a single woman sells her home and remarries a man who owns a home. They decide to sell. Another common example: Mary and John are single and each owns a home. They marry and decide to sell each of their homes and buy another. Here is another: Janet receives the home as part of a divorce settlement and later decides to sell.

The Partial Exclusion

Even if you do not meet the ownership and use tests, it still may be possible to claim a partial exclusion under certain circumstances.

If you have to sell your home because of a change in employment, your home sale could qualify under a "safe harbor." The rules contain many tests to determine if the safe harbor applies.

If the primary reason you have to sell your home is health-related, you could qualify for a partial exclusion. The health issue applies not only to you, but also to a large list of people classified as your extended family.

Unforeseen circumstances also qualify for a partial exclusion. These include an involuntary conversion of your home, man-made or natural disasters, death, unemployment, a change in employment status, divorce and multiple births.

I hope you have seen that applying what you may think the rules are to the sale of your home may not be as simple as you thought. With all the rules and exceptions, it would be prudent to solicit the advice of an accountant, tax attorney or real estate professional prior to listing your home.
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It's Time to Start Living In Paradise

By: David Lovendahl

Have you ever imagined what paradise looks like? Do the daily stresses of life leave you longing for a tropical oasis? Are you looking for a way to get ahead? If you are like most people, you probably answered, “Yes” to all three of these questions. And, you probably thought this dream could never become a reality. Well, guess again!

Costa Rica is a natural paradise right here on earth. Lush rainforests, vast mountain vistas and breathtaking ocean views offer visitors to this tropical retreat an escape from the pressures of everyday life. However, once people come for a visit, they often want to stay. Furthermore, with a culture of hospitality, the people of Costa Rica are as delightful as the country in which they reside. Genuinely open and warm, they welcome visitors with open arms and encourage them to drink in all that this wonderful country has to offer.

Now is the time to become a part of Costa Rica, but not simply as a visitor to a foreign country, but as a landowner with the opportunity to stay for a lifetime. Two decades ago Costa Rica land was not of significant value. While many people had an interest in purchasing property, they did not see it as a valuable investment. Today, however, Costa Rica real estate is in the midst of a land boom similar to those seen in Hawaii and Florida in the 1970’s.

A growing industrial nation, the Central American Foreign Trade Agreement (CAFTA) has brought an influx of Fortune 500 businesses to the country. Companies such as IBM, Intel and Sony have helped to increase the value of real estate in Costa Rica by calling it home. Additionally, because the country is still in the starting phases of growth, land is still very reasonable, making it a wise investment.

If you choose to go through the process of investing in Costa Rica on your own, you will be responsible for creating a corporation (in order to do so), paying all applicable fees and taxes and then going about the business of land development, a daunting task that could be a deterrent for even the most avid dreamers.

Today, however, investing in Costa Rica properties has never been easier. The country is host to several reputable land development companies owned by individuals who took a chance on land in Costa Rica and are now realizing the dream of owning a tropical paradise. Many of these organizations provide investors the benefit of their knowledge by helping them through the entire process of purchasing and developing Costa Rica land for sale. They help the individual to select the land, create a corporation, and handle all the fees. Furthermore, land development companies often help with the addition of roads, electric, water, sewer, cable and Internet and other improvements to the investment property.

Whether you are looking for a tropical paradise to call home, or are considering buying and selling, there has never been a better time to purchase Costa Rica property. Now is the perfect time to get involved in the land boom and start living your dream.

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Helpful Advice on Getting a Home Loan

By: Serg Harros

Getting the best mortgage for a home purchase is often a subjective thing. The best option depends on your situation, but apply the following tips and you should end up with a good deal.

1. The time to address your credit report is when you first start thinking about buying a home. Don’t wait until the process is underway. If you need to fix something on your report, it can take a couple of months.

2. Many people get pre-qualified for a mortgage and then go home shopping. This is an utter waste of time. A pre-qualification determination from a lender means nothing. Get pre-approved instead.

3. Interest only loans are a fairly recent creation that lower your monthly payment by having you only pay the interest due without any principal. Be careful with these. If the property does not appreciate, you gain nothing.

4. To make sure the rates don’t change after a lender approves your mortgage, you can lock in the loan by paying a fee. This does not lock you into the loan, only the lender. If you subsequently find a better deal with another lender, take it!

5. When you apply for a mortgage, the lender is going to ask you what reserves you have. Ideally, you should reserves equal to three months of your expenses.

6. One of the great fears of applying for a loan was the mood of the particular underwriter that reviewed your application. This is less of a problem now. Many lenders now use automated mortgage underwriting.

7. This mortgage program involves a loan for 125 percent of the home value. It is used as a way to cash out a property if you expect significant appreciation over the near future. This is a very dangerous loan because if appreciation does not occur, you can get into significant trouble with negative amortization.

8. The tax code in the United States makes little sense, but it is helpful with refinancing. If you refinance your home, you do not have to pay any capital gains tax. This is true even if you refinance for more than the home is worth.

9. These days, most mortgages come with teaser rates. They are really low rates that run for the first couple years of the loan then go up to normal rates. Make sure you can afford the payments associated with the normal rates to avoid problems.

10. ARM loans are tied to something called indexes. These indexes are gauges for the cost of borrowing money. There are five different indexes. The LIBOR rate – London Interbank Offered Rate – is a popular one.

It can be easy to stress out when it comes to getting a home loan. Your best strategy is to get approved before you house hunt. Once you are approved for an amount, you can shop with the comfort of knowing you can make an offer in confidence.
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Investing in Real Estate

By: Sandra Tobin

Real estate investing can provide lucrative profits for individuals who have developed knowledge and skill in determining the potential value of a property. Location plays a significant role in determing a property value. For instance, if a chosen property is in a prime location in a city, one can expect the price of the property to be much higher than in comparison with properties from other areas. Research is the key to finding such valuable properties.

It is not uncommon for an investor to look at a number properties each week and write several offers each month. Great properties can be bagged at either the pre-foreclosure or foreclosure stage. Again, the key is research.

It is important to set criteria for the properties that one is going to work with such as type of property, price as compared to actual value, size of lot or building, number of units, condition, etc. In evaluating a property, one should bring along a good structural engineer or architect to ensure that the potential renovation will not be so extensive as to nullify any profit making ability of the investment.

Many real estate investors choose to wholesale properties for a number of reasons. One’s profit will vary depending on the house, but the better one is at locating properties and putting together offers, the greater the profit will be - while still maintaining an excellent profit for the buyer.

Such savvy investors utilize ways to get loans on properties that allow them to pull money out whenever they buy a real estate investment (cash back at closing) and lower their payments to build up their cash flow ('creative' investing). However, once one has reached a certain level of investment and is ready to take on new ventures it is advisable to retain some types of property rather than flipping houses.

All in all, real estate investing can provide a solid base for an investment portfolio. There are many ways to pursue real estate investing. One’s success will be determined by the diligence of the preparatory work and the knowledge accumulated.
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Moving Your Home In A Buyer’s Market

By: Hal James

Whether you like it or not, the real estate market has ground to a slow trot. Selling a home can be difficult and requires you to return to the time-tested basics of selling a home. Here are some keys to remember and use.

1. When you are selling your home, allow it to be shown at a moment's notice. Qualified buyers aren't "a dime a dozen."

2. It is important to remember that a home can only support the value of homes around it. When making home upgrades, make sure you do not spend more than you will recover when you sell it.

3. If you have a limited budget for sprucing up your home, consider devoting a good chunk of it to getting your kitchen in top shape. Consider replacing appliances and fixtures. Whatever steps you take, just make sure your kitchen is in top shape.

4. When selling your home, be realistic about your asking price. You can check public record at the courthouse, or in many cases on-line, for the amounts of recent sales in your neighborhood.

5. When analyzing homes for sale in an area, it is important to focus on the correct numbers. Typically, you want to throw out any home that has a distinctly higher or lower price than the other homes unless there is something unique about it.

6. When searching for homes, buyers focus on those they can see. Regardless of where or how you market, you must include home photographs in your marketing material.

7. When showing your home, you need to have a friend watch your pet. You also need to go through the home and remove all pet odors, hair and so on. Once you sell the property, you can buy another one with a bigger yard for your little one.

8. Most states require real estate contracts to be in writing to be enforceable. The buyer invests time and thought in the process of committing his offer to paper. When you receive his written offer, you know ALL the items the buyer is trying to "nibble" from you.

9. The true price of a home is the market price. The market price is not the asking price, the appraised price and so on. It is what the seller and buyer agree it is. If you are selling, do not hamstring yourself with anything other than that.

10. Many people ask escrow officers for advice or help. Don’t expect any! Escrow companies are supposed to be neutral third parties. They handle the paperwork, not negotiations or problems.

If you are a seller, the real estate news probably sounds pretty grim. It really isn’t. There is always a market for sellers and buyers. You just need to put your nose to the grindstone a bit. Since most people don’t, you’ll have an advantage and get that sale.
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Live Your Dream of Becoming a Real Estate Investor

By: David Lovendahl

Anyone who has ever wanted to be real estate investor, or to become an investor in the foreign property market, should consider buying real estate in Costa Rica. The purchase of land in Costa Rica not only diversifies your financial portfolio, but also allows you to acquire assets in a real estate market at a time when the investment could soon be very lucrative indeed.

If it has always been a dream of yours to live in a tropical paradise, then Costa Rica is the place for you! As a country with a stable economy, and home to more than 4 million people, this would be a sound financial investment in a friendly and peaceful country.

With so many square miles of land available for purchase currently, it has become relatively hassle-free for foreigners to enter into the market of investing into Costa Rica land. One of the main benefits is not only the abundance of ocean view property, but also that anyone looking for Costa Rica beachfront property can purchase it at a fraction of the cost as compared to buying it within their home country. This huge cost savings has made it affordable for modest income earners around the world.

Another benefit to purchasing Costa Rican property is land ownership. Unlike other countries where only citizens of the country are allowed to own land, in Costa Rica, land ownership is granted regardless of citizenship. With such a large amount of undeveloped land available, and foreigners being able to legally own, it brings the investor one step closer to purchasing in beautiful Costa Rica.

A third benefit to purchasing Costa Rica land for sale would be the minimal property taxes required. Anyone previously paying property tax in a large city will be amazed at how affordable the property tax in Costa Rica will be. (It is only about $350/year US, for a 5-acre parcel as of late 2006.)

A fourth benefit to investing in Costa Rica is the exceptional value you get for your money. In Costa Rica, a real estate investor is able to spend less money, but acquire more acreage and build a larger square foot home. This equates into an investor being able to buy more real estate at a more affordable price. Based on this, acquiring Costa Rica real estate will be a great way for you to climb onto the property ladder as a first time real estate investor.
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Purchasing Raw Land is a Lucrative Investment

By: David Lovendahl

With the rise in real estate prices, and the increase in the World’s populations, the demand for available land to build on has also dramatically increased. As a result of this, the real estate industry has seen a dramatic rise in the amount of people looking abroad to buy raw or undeveloped land.

The new hot spot for recent land acquisition and development has been within the country of Costa Rica. The benefits of turning raw land into developed Costa Rica real estate have been met with increasing popularity, and many more people have signed up to become landowners in the last several years.

One of the most important questions asked by anyone interested in purchasing raw Costa Rica land is, “What happens once the raw land for sale begins to be developed?” In order to effectively answer this question, the process depends on what the raw land will be developed for.

Let’s use this example - If the land will be developed as residential real estate, it will need the expertise of an experienced construction company specializing in land development. This is due to the fact that raw land, once it has entered the developmental stage, to be turned into Costa Rica properties, will need basic requirements such as utilities and roads to sustain habitation.

One of the first tasks in developing Costa Rica real estate would be to survey the land for its various sources of water, and then determine where the septic system should be established and connected to the house.

Once these two areas are in place, the next task would then be to determine where the house should be built. This can be decided, by working closely with a residential construction company, and choosing the best place on the property to build.

Therefore, once raw land is developed, it can go from being a parcel of property, to a beautiful patch of land worth a whole lot more. This is one of the main benefits, of investing in raw land development. The price of the raw land will increase in value as the development on it continues. So not only will you be acquiring and developing the land, but you will also investing in the country of Costa Rica.

Another main benefit of purchasing raw land would be the fact that it is undeveloped land, and you would be the first to live on it. This would mean you could build almost any type of real estate as long as it has adhered to zoning regulations, and in Costa Rica you will find minimal restrictions, if any. There would be no difficulties with the land previously being spoiled by anyone, because you will be the first to live there. This is definitely a huge bonus of raw land acquisition.

A third benefit of purchasing raw land is its appreciation value. There is a considerable difference in the price of the property when it is raw land versus developed and again when a dwelling is built upon it.

As you can see, buying undeveloped, raw land has many worthwhile benefits and opportunities that lead to lucrative investments in Costa Rica property.
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Cyprus Real Estate Oppertunities

By: kevinor

Cyprus real estate is a great investment right now with prices of holiday homes on the Island continuing to rise. There doesn't appear to be any slowdown in the demand and it looks like it will be so for the foreseeable future too. Savvy investors and buyers of holiday homes alike are making their move no before prices leave them behind. Many people still moan about how they "missed the boat" in Spain where they are now well and truly priced out of the property market. With Cyprus being so English both in culture and as a spoken language it should continue to attract buyers for a long time into the future before the market shows any signs of peaking out.

The whole Island is bustling with new developments of apartments and villas which are being built to a very high standard in all aspects including the interior finishes. Air conditioning and modern fitted kitchens are the norm with private swimming pools being offered as incentives to buy. With competition among the many developers hoting up it is a real buyers market too. This is great news for any would be investors in Cyprus real estate looking to bag a bargain Cyprus villa or a luxury Cyprus apartment. The developers are keen to release capital for the next project so they will want to sell off remaining properties on any development that may be nearing completion.

There is no doubt that Cyprus is a beautiful place to live and that's why people are literally queuing up to buy property on the Island. There are still plenty of small apartments with communal pools and sun terraces available at realistic prices. These properties are ideal for holiday lets if you should want to make a good return on your Cyprus investment. In fact now that the Cyprus banks are offering loans to none residents wishing to purchase property many of them are doing just that. Buying villas and apartments with the sole intention of renting them out to the holiday market and then selling them on in a few years time when the prices have risen.

The bottom line is that Cyprus is the perfect location for any U.K. residents looking for a holiday home in the sun. Talking of sun Cyprus has over 300 days of sunshine every year and the climate is fantastic. The people are friendly and most of them speak English because it is taught in all the Cypriot schools as a second language. In fact there is a very strong British influence in Cyprus due to the years that the English ruled there which in turn has caused Cyprus to develop a little faster than other parts of Greece.

There are numerous Cyprus real estate companies on the internet and many of them even offer cheap inspection tours from the U.K. so you can have a look at several properties during your visit to the Island. Remember that property prices seldom go down so real estate will continue to be a sound investment for years to come. You could enjoy a beautiful Cyprus holiday home with your friends and family then sit back in the Cyprus sun watching your investment grow for years to come!
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The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is Crashing

By: Panama Mark

The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is going to crash

Do you want to be there to catch it?

I love the metaphor of the wave.

Have you ever tried surfing, even body surfing or just playing on a boogie board? Do you recall those feelings when you catch a wave just right and it carries you effortlessly to the beach? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? But, do you also remember how 9 times out of 10 you miss the wave? You end up just sinking and watching that wave roll away from you to crash on the shore? Now that can be kind of a downer can’t it? What if I could show the sweet spot? I wonder how, many of you would love to know exactly where to stand and exactly when to jump so you can catch that wave and have the ride of your life?

Speaking of waves, the Baby Boom is more like a Tsunami and it’s picking up speed and it’s going to make land fall.

Have you thought about where that 78 million boomer high wave is going to hit?

Well, the demographers have plotted the course and determined it is pointing directly at Panama!

Listen to what author & real estate guru Kevin Kingston has to say about Panama, “As I sit here Sunday morning getting ready for my 5th trip to Panama I just can’t stop running numbers through my head. I’m a huge fan of leveraged returns, so much so that I wrote a boo k about my experience leveraging $15,000 to over $5 million in about 4 years. Well what’s about to happen in Panama is mind numbing. There are several major trends converging on this country which will create a massive boom that only comes along once in a lifetime, maybe twice. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway, calls this the Lollapalooza Effect. He says, if you are attentive enough to recognize these occurrences and smart, brave or ballsy enough to act on them in a major way you can make fortunes.”

Well, let’s get back to those boomers. We’re all aware that whatever they go for turns to gold. As the Baby Boom Wave of Capital crashes on Panama it’s going to turn retirement property to Gold!

And it’s just starting! Are you aware that 13,000 people are retiring every single day in the US alone? That’s one every 7 seconds! If 30,000 retirees decide to move to Panama, it would represent only 1% of the retiring population –or- only two days worth of that 13,000. That is quite a market to buy or rent investment properties and at the same time it’s probably an ultra conservative number considering all Panama has going for it.
AND, that’s based on today’s numbers. What’s demand going to be like when the wave crests in 2012? Can you see why the time is now? Can you see that Panama is the sweet spot? Are you ready to jump and ride that wave?
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