The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is Crashing
By: Panama Mark
The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is going to crash
Do you want to be there to catch it?
I love the metaphor of the wave.
Have you ever tried surfing, even body surfing or just playing on a boogie board? Do you recall those feelings when you catch a wave just right and it carries you effortlessly to the beach? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? But, do you also remember how 9 times out of 10 you miss the wave? You end up just sinking and watching that wave roll away from you to crash on the shore? Now that can be kind of a downer can’t it? What if I could show the sweet spot? I wonder how, many of you would love to know exactly where to stand and exactly when to jump so you can catch that wave and have the ride of your life?
Speaking of waves, the Baby Boom is more like a Tsunami and it’s picking up speed and it’s going to make land fall.
Have you thought about where that 78 million boomer high wave is going to hit?
Well, the demographers have plotted the course and determined it is pointing directly at Panama!
Listen to what author & real estate guru Kevin Kingston has to say about Panama, “As I sit here Sunday morning getting ready for my 5th trip to Panama I just can’t stop running numbers through my head. I’m a huge fan of leveraged returns, so much so that I wrote a boo k about my experience leveraging $15,000 to over $5 million in about 4 years. Well what’s about to happen in Panama is mind numbing. There are several major trends converging on this country which will create a massive boom that only comes along once in a lifetime, maybe twice. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway, calls this the Lollapalooza Effect. He says, if you are attentive enough to recognize these occurrences and smart, brave or ballsy enough to act on them in a major way you can make fortunes.”
Well, let’s get back to those boomers. We’re all aware that whatever they go for turns to gold. As the Baby Boom Wave of Capital crashes on Panama it’s going to turn retirement property to Gold!
And it’s just starting! Are you aware that 13,000 people are retiring every single day in the US alone? That’s one every 7 seconds! If 30,000 retirees decide to move to Panama, it would represent only 1% of the retiring population –or- only two days worth of that 13,000. That is quite a market to buy or rent investment properties and at the same time it’s probably an ultra conservative number considering all Panama has going for it.
AND, that’s based on today’s numbers. What’s demand going to be like when the wave crests in 2012? Can you see why the time is now? Can you see that Panama is the sweet spot? Are you ready to jump and ride that wave?
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The Baby Boomer Wave of Capital is going to crash
Do you want to be there to catch it?
I love the metaphor of the wave.
Have you ever tried surfing, even body surfing or just playing on a boogie board? Do you recall those feelings when you catch a wave just right and it carries you effortlessly to the beach? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? But, do you also remember how 9 times out of 10 you miss the wave? You end up just sinking and watching that wave roll away from you to crash on the shore? Now that can be kind of a downer can’t it? What if I could show the sweet spot? I wonder how, many of you would love to know exactly where to stand and exactly when to jump so you can catch that wave and have the ride of your life?
Speaking of waves, the Baby Boom is more like a Tsunami and it’s picking up speed and it’s going to make land fall.
Have you thought about where that 78 million boomer high wave is going to hit?
Well, the demographers have plotted the course and determined it is pointing directly at Panama!
Listen to what author & real estate guru Kevin Kingston has to say about Panama, “As I sit here Sunday morning getting ready for my 5th trip to Panama I just can’t stop running numbers through my head. I’m a huge fan of leveraged returns, so much so that I wrote a boo k about my experience leveraging $15,000 to over $5 million in about 4 years. Well what’s about to happen in Panama is mind numbing. There are several major trends converging on this country which will create a massive boom that only comes along once in a lifetime, maybe twice. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s partner in Berkshire Hathaway, calls this the Lollapalooza Effect. He says, if you are attentive enough to recognize these occurrences and smart, brave or ballsy enough to act on them in a major way you can make fortunes.”
Well, let’s get back to those boomers. We’re all aware that whatever they go for turns to gold. As the Baby Boom Wave of Capital crashes on Panama it’s going to turn retirement property to Gold!
And it’s just starting! Are you aware that 13,000 people are retiring every single day in the US alone? That’s one every 7 seconds! If 30,000 retirees decide to move to Panama, it would represent only 1% of the retiring population –or- only two days worth of that 13,000. That is quite a market to buy or rent investment properties and at the same time it’s probably an ultra conservative number considering all Panama has going for it.
AND, that’s based on today’s numbers. What’s demand going to be like when the wave crests in 2012? Can you see why the time is now? Can you see that Panama is the sweet spot? Are you ready to jump and ride that wave?
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